Arroz Caldo

arroz caldo_cookingflip@wordpress

This dish is a comfort food–eaten for breakfast, or snacks, or just when you’re sad 😦  Can be soupy in consistency, or risotto-like.

oil for frying
garlic (5 cloves, minced)
ginger (2 inches, thinly sliced)
turmeric (enough to color the dish)
chicken (3 breasts or equivalent if other parts; fillet and sliced into strips, or whole with bones–your choice)
big onion (julienned)
salt & fish/Thai sauce
chicken stock (2 cubes)
sticky/pudding rice (2 cups)

For garnishing:
spring onion, or fried garlic, or pork crackling–or all of them

1. Saute garlic, ginger and turmeric together
2. Add chicken until juice and fat comes out
3. Add onion, cook until withered
4. Add some water and let boil until chicken is soft
5. Add salt and Thai sauce to taste; also chicken stock
6. Add the sticky rice.
7. Keep stirring and adding water until the rice cooks. Consistency can either be soupy, or like risotto–your choice.

5 responses to “Arroz Caldo

  1. Pingback: Savoury porridge | Cooking Filipino in the UK·

  2. Pingback: Chicken liver (Chef Ronit Penso’s) | Cooking Filipino in the UK·

  3. I cannot say I have ever had rice or chicken for breakfast. But we are the product of our upbringing. I am much more fond of farina or oatmeal. My father (who was raised in eastern Europe) would eat hotdogs or bologna w/ his cereal.

    • Hotdogs/bologna with cereal sounds all right to me! 🙂 I don’t usually have rice anymore for breakfast here in the UK, but in the PH, it’s typical to have rice for breakfast, lunch, supper, not to include the rice-based snacks between meals, lol. But breakfast back home could also be some bread rolls (pan de sal), sweet potatoes, corn, or boiled peanuts (in their shells). Happy Sunday, Anna! ☀

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