Roast chicken


  1. First, I rubbed the chicken with plenty of salt (be careful with cross-contamination!)

  2. Then I filled the cavity with a mixture of:

lemon grass (plenty!)
ginger (plenty!)
orange peel (from 1-2 oranges)
lemon thyme (plenty!)

  1. Roast as per instruction in the packet (temperature, length of cooking per kg, etc.)

(Back home, the filling for the cavity would just be pure lemon grass–the top, leafy part, and not the bottom, “rooty” part that we get from the shops here.  The leafy part is more aromatic, and they’re sharp like thin blades they could cut your fingers–there’s an art to pulling them from the ground if with your bare hands, and to knotting them before they go into the dish.  No, we don’t eat them–we fish them out from the dish afterwards and throw them away!)


11 responses to “Roast chicken

    • You’re welcome 🙂 I’m just missing the unlimited supply of lemon grass (I suppose everyone also grows them in their backyard in SL?). Very expensive here!

      • Oh yes… it is very inexpensive in sl and many have lemon grass at their homes. I wish I can say the same about here. 🤓

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